An Award-Winning Creative Design and Communication Agency

Tata Consumer Products Impact Assessment Report of CSR Projects

Discover the transformative journey of Tata Consumer Products through our CSR Impact Assessment Report Design.

This report delves into the impact of TCPL’s corporate social responsibility endeavors, showcasing the commitment to sustainable practices and positive contributions to communities and the environment.

WaSH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)
Empowerment of Differently-Abled
Rural Development
Health and Wellness
Education and Skilling
Product type
CSR Impact Report Design
Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)
Design, Development and Communication
SDG Contributions

Dive Into the Report’s Impact Design and Communication

By opting for a minimalistic approach, the report design focused on the heart of the CSR projects—their real-world impact

Visual Storytelling

This report is an independent impact assessment of CSR projects of Tata Consumer Products by Consultivo. As an independent consulting firm, Consultivo helps organizations globally to solve business challenges in CSR, Sustainability, ESG, Business Excellence & Risk Management. 

This report comes along with an Independent Assurance Statement which increases the credibility and transparency of this report.

Impact Photography
Slate of Swan masterfully crafted the report, integrating striking images that captured the essence of each CSR project. The impact photos took center stage, drawing readers into the lives changed by TCPL’s initiatives.
On the cover, headlined as “Brighter than sunshine” is the featured image of a mother’s smile, whose daughter is living her life with dignity despite odds. The daughter works in an equal, accessible, and inclusive culture at the Swastha Centre for Special Education & Rehabilitation, Karnataka, a TCPL initiative.
Inclusive Language and Copywriting
The content of the report underwent meticulous copyediting to ensure precision and authenticity. Every word was carefully chosen to accurately represent TCPL’s commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other global sustainability agendas.
Minimalistic Design
We opted for a minimalist design approach for this report. This embraced the elegance of minimalistic design and allowed the impact photographs to pop up. The report’s layout followed a simple and uncluttered design, allowing readers to navigate the content effortlessly. The judicious use of colors and typography further enhanced the reader’s experience, making it easier to absorb the information
Data Visualization
The Tata Consumer Products CSR Impact Assessment report seamlessly integrated flawless data visualization, transforming intricate metrics into intuitive graphs and visuals. This strategic approach enhanced the report’s readability and vividly conveyed the tangible social and environmental outcomes, making the assessment accessible and impactful for diverse stakeholders. By default, any CSR report format is full of data. However, too much data can be confusing and unnecessary at times. At Slate of Swan, we delve into each of the data priorities. For this CSR report, the data visualization process aimed to give the reader an overall landscape of the projects happening all over India and how they are performing
Shades of Pastel
Pastel tones dominate the report’s design, providing a subtle backdrop. These shades complement the vibrant colors of impact photography, creating a cheerful atmosphere for stakeholders. The images, central to our theme, have a distinct visual focus. Each chapter is uniquely identified by color codes, giving modularity to every project.

Impact Stories

Bringing human emotions and values into the report reflects a picture right from the field where the CSR initiative is taking place. Real-life images communicate the success stories and encourage the stakeholders by distilling and highlighting the human element and the qualitative impact being made through their efforts.
Aligning with Sustainable Goals
Impact Indicators and the relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been outlined throughout the report. Consultivo’s independent assurance validated that the report accurately reflected TCPL’s commitment to the SDGs and other global sustainability targets. We made sure to align the report design with the stakeholder’s expectations.
CSR Impact Assessment Report
About Tata Consumer Products
Tata Consumer Products, part of the Tata group, is an Indian fast-moving consumer goods company. Tata Consumer Products unites the food and beverage interests of the Tata group under one umbrella with a combined reach of over 201 million Indian households
About the Research and CSR Consulting Firm – Consultivo

Consultivo is an independent ESGSustainability and CSR consulting firm working in India, SAARC Countries & Middle East.

About the Impact Design and Communication Agency – Slate of Swan

Slate of Swan is a creative studio crafting impact experience in the space of ESG, social and sustainability.

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