Slate of Swan was recently awarded Best CSR Report - Creative Design and Communication 2024

3rd Edition

Social Leadership Awards 2024

The BCC&I Social Leadership Conclave and Awards for the third edition in 2024 are conferred based on the judgment of the Jury, relying on the information submitted by participating companies in response to the provided questionnaires.

This information is further supplemented by data available in the public domain and collected from various accessible sources, including feedback from regulatory bodies. BCC&I also conducts its own analysis of the gathered information. The authenticity and accuracy of the data presented by the companies, as well as the content within their Annual Reports and other documents, are taken in good faith by BCC&I.

Rest assured, the data shared by the companies will only be utilized for the purpose of assessing and evaluating the Social Leadership Projects submitted as part of the application for the BCC&I Social Leadership Awards 2024. Both the data provided and the identity of the respondent will be handled with strict confidentiality.

The ultimate decision made by BCC&I, based on the recommendations of the Jury, will be considered final and binding on all companies participating in the third edition of the Social Leadership Conclave & Awards in 2024.

All applicants will receive Participation Certificates.

CSR Annual Report Design by Slate of Swan


A.   Corporates having any presence in India can apply by any of the following means:
1.  Large Corporate with a minimum financial outlay of the nominated project of Rs.1 Cr.
2.  Mid-Corporate with a minimum financial outlay of the nominated project of Rs. 50 L.
3.  Small Corporate with a minimum financial outlay of the nominated project of Rs. 10 L.

B.  NGOs having other Developmental Initiatives in India:
1.  Best Project by Civil Societies/Sec 8 Companies/Societies and Trusts in category A with a minimum financial outlay of the nominated project of Rs.1 Cr.
2.  Best Project by Civil Societies/Sec 8 Companies/Societies and Trusts in category B with a minimum financial outlay of the nominated project of Rs.50 L.
3.  Best Project by Civil Societies/Sec 8 Companies/Societies and Trusts in category C with a minimum financial outlay of the nominated project of Rs.10 L.


1.  Please fill in the Questionnaire on the basis of the facts of the Applicant.
2.  All Questions carry weightage. Please answer all questions. In case any question is not applicable to the Applicant, please write ‘not applicable’. In case of a wrong or misleading response, negative weightage will be given.
3.  Along with the Questionnaire, please furnish the copies of policies, codes or other relevant documents, wherever indicated in the questionnaire for fair evaluation of the Applicant. Not enclosing the documents will lead to deduction of marks.
4.  The information provided in the questionnaire should relate to financial year 2023-24 or period of one year ending in that year.
5.  The covering letter to the duly filled in Questionnaire should contain a statement to the effect that the responses to the Questions in the Questionnaire and the information given in supporting documents are true to the best of knowledge, information and belief. The covering letter should be on the letter head of the Applicant with the signature of Key Management Personnel (KMP).
6.  The Applicant shall abide by the decision of the Jury in all respect.
7.  Canvassing of any kind shall lead to disqualification.
8.  The applicant may be required to make a presentation to the Jury in supportive of their application.
9.  In case of any query in filling the Questionnaire, please email your query to BCC&I .

10.  The pdf copy of the application along with all relevant documents shall be submitted at:   Google Form here:.
11.  Please also submit the Annual Reports for FY 2023-24, 2022-23 and 2021-22. The file name of the application should be “Third edition of Social-Leadership-Conclave-&-Awards 2024”.

Send application request at

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